Find My Postman

Find My Postman is a nationwide initiative started by Singapore Post in 2019 after countless incidences of postmen caught throwing mail away, amongst other service lapses, were brought to light the year prior. The initiative allows Singaporeans a proper channel to reach out to Singapore Post in instances whereby they have encountered an issue with regards to their mail. Furthermore, the feedback service gives Singaporeans a chance to appreciate and thank the postmen serving their neighbourhoods.

Part of the campaign saw close to 2 million sets of fridge magnets with QR-codes on them distributed to every residential household and business unit across Singapore. Residents can then access the website through a QR code on the magnet set, key in their postal code, and find out which postman currently serves their neighbourhood. Through the site, both positive and negative feedback can be given, and Singaporeans are able to rate their postman based on their performance.

Public response to the MyPostman campaign has seen positive results as residents have been giving words of encouragement to their own postmen, whom they now know by name. In addition, the campaign encourages Singaporeans to be kind and gracious to others and appreciate the things that we often take for granted. This too has shown a positive impact on the work morale of these postal workers, who do most of their work unseen and unappreciated.

Client: Singapore Post
Agency: Edenspiekermann Singapore
Team: Edo van Dijk, Zheng FangTing, Dan Visel, Toby Gail Lim, Christy Qiao, Venus Loh


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